The 5 Steps To Connect To The Heart Of Your Soul, So You Can Lead A Purpose-Driven Life & Expand Your Brilliance Into The World Through Inspiration, Freedom & Impact!
(even if you feel powerless right now)
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On this presentation you will discover...
The simple steps our clients are using
to connect to the heart of their souls and start living their purpose-driven life...even if they feel powerless right now.
How you can develop
the personal skills and confidence to build the bridge to the life you've always wanted to live WHILE drawing on the life experience you already have.
Why tarot cards, psychics and hours of meditation
on their own are NOT a good strategy to hear the guidance your soul is giving you ...AND how you can tap into unstoppable joy and playfulness starting TODAY...
The secret our clients use
to start taking massive inspired action towards their dream, WITHOUT sacrificing what they love.
What they're doing
to awaken the most powerful version of themselves even if they're afraid it won't work for them.
- they do all of this
WHILE making their relationships the best they've ever been.

Presented by: Wendi Rose
My name is Wendi Rose. I’m an Ordained Interfaith Minister, IET Master-Instructor Trainer, Reiki Master Teacher, and Transformational Coach.
I am the founder and owner of a company called Heart Centered Healing Systems, where I support clients from all over the world and all walks of life to connect to the heart of their soul, live a purpose-driven life, and manifest their highest reach where their dreams come true.
I founded and co-created, with my partner and beloved Sam Haines, the “Inspiration On Demand Program”, where I create a safe, sacred space and use my coaching and intuitive channeling skills to support my clients healing and transformation.
With my 25+ years of experience, I specialize in helping clients to awaken the most powerful version of themselves, manifest their soul’s calling, and create a life filled with love, joy and purpose.