Wendi Rose and Sam Haines
Wendi Rose is an Ordained Interfaith Minister, IET Master-Instructor Trainer, Reiki Master Teacher, and Transformational Coach.
Sam Haines is a IET Master-Instructor and Transformative Life Coach. They are the founders and owners of a company called Heart Centered Healing Systems, where they support their clients from all over the world, and all walks of life, to connect to the heart of their soul, live a purpose-driven life, and expand their brilliance into the world through inspiration, freedom and impact.
They created “Inspiration On Demand”, a transformational program where they create a safe, sacred space and use to support their clients healing and transformation. With their 25+ years of experience, they specialize in helping people to fall in love with themselves, have the ability to tap into their inspiration on demand, experience true emotional and mental freedom, and to be in full alignment with living the highest version of themselves where they are having a meaningful impact in the world around them.
They are on a mission to make self-love a way of life. Through the lens of healing the inner child, they liberate men and women from living in the pain of the past and fear of the future, so they can live in the miracle of the present moment, fall in love with themselves, have truly fulfilling relationships – starting with the one they have with themselves – and create the life they want.
They each had to overcome pain and trauma from their childhood that had been creating unnecessary struggle in their lives and relationships, and kept them distracted and playing small – which meant not having the big impact they are here to have in people’s lives.
What they have both experienced and learned to be true is that the life any of us really want starts with a foundation of self-love and a living connection to our soul. They have found this to be true, not only in their own lives, but also in the lives of the many people they have served over the years.
“In creating ‘Inspiration On Demand”‘, we have put together a powerful set of tools to support our unique process that reconnects clients to the parts of themselves that had become dissociated in the past from a challenging life event or trauma. What we have found to be true, and it’s really interesting, is that every time, once they are reconnected with those parts of themselves, there is an immediate transformation that happens. They are able to face their past and process their emotions and thoughts around it in a new way. The result is liberation. And what’s really cool is that it’s resolved without retriggering the original event. As they integrate this experience, they find that new thoughts emerge, and they are able to change how they think and feel about themselves and the world. That sets the stage for a whole new possibility in their lives and relationships.
When we heal the inner child, we heal generations. We heal the world.”