New Experiences
It has been an interesting year. I have made decisions this year that have brought me higher levels of experiences I have had before. What do I mean?
One of my vocations in my life is that I am a musician. I have played the standard gamut of venues ranging from bars to festival stages with the all the usual private parties, coffee houses, and recording studios along the way. In November 2013, I approached the local conservatory for arts and music in Doylestown, PA with the idea of creating a venue for local/regional musicians to have a place to come and offer concerts. The benefit of this particular venue is that here, as opposed to bars and coffee shops, the musicians are the center of attention.
This idea was very well accepted and embraced by the director of the Conservatory and we began production of the inaugural concert. This concert would feature two of my current ensembles. I will fast-forward to the outcome. After months of prep and rehearsals, the concert was a great success! Now to the meaning of all this.
In my growth as a man invested in pursuing my goals and interests, I chose to believe that I can create what I want to experience. I took the action of sharing an idea with other people instead of being afraid that my vision would be too big, or not interesting, or that I would ultimately be disappointed at the outcome of my efforts.
I had a blast and so did everyone else!