Peace Rose Healing
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What is a Peace Rose Healing Session?
Peace Rose Healing is a new healing modality gifted from Spirit to share with the world.
Peace Rose Healing is a shamanic journey through the higher realms that clears what the body, mind and soul need to release so that a healing shift can take place. A very special and unique component that helps make Peace Rose Healing so powerful is that “Daisy”, a horse that connected energetically with Wendi, is an integral part of this modality. Daisy’s strong presence in the sessions transports the souls Wendi works with to higher planes of existence where core work can be done.
In this shamanic combination, Wendi and Daisy become a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. In working with your team of angels and guides in the etheric, I am able to uplift you to a higher vibration to help you create more change with ease and grace. This process helps release pain, stress, fear of moving forward and more, all the while realigning and connecting you to the new manifestations you desire. This gentle healing modality also draws upon IET, Reiki and other modalities I have learned in my 25 years as a healing practitioner. Experience the joy and freedom that results when you embrace your own energy potential on a higher level!
Are you ready to Level-Up? Are you ready to be in charge of the changes that are available to you?
Benefits of Peace Rose Healing Sessions
- Helps you empower, balance and align your life and health.
- Facilitates the release of suppressed feelings and promotes the self-healing process.
- Painlessly awakens and releases core cellular memory.
- Provides gentle, powerful support for survivors of childhood traumas such as physical and sexual abuse, alcoholic and dysfunctional families.
- Awakens you to fulfilling loving relationships in all areas of your life.
- Clears energy blocks that limit health, life purpose, prosperity, sexuality and creativity.
- Supports healing at all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
What you may feel after the session:
Peace Rose Healing is a healing modality with many benefits. The healing energy supports you in making the shifts within yourself helping you to achieve your personal goals and physical manifestations. When receiving Peace Rose Healing, the energy is more clear, concise and can go deeper within your energy fields. It allows the unconscious mind to receive more healing and receive higher-vibrational messages from your spiritual support team.
- A wide spectrum of effects can include: deep relaxation, a quiet mind, clarity, focus, to name a few.
- At the end of an Peace Rose Healing session, it is typical to feel a sense of peace, renewal, and ready to make positive life changes and regain your happiness.
The Origins of
Peace Rose Healing…

Meeting Daisy...
I was given a beautiful gift in 2018 of connecting with Daisy, a very special horse whom I have discovered a soul-relationship with, and I would love to share the story with you here.
My dear friend, Joan Summers, does Equine Gestalt Coaching in connection with Laurel Nobilis Arabians, LLC in Penns Park near Wrightstown, PA. This past summer, I decided to do some session work with Joan. In Equine Gestalt Coaching, it is important to note that the horse chooses to work with you. Dusty was the horse that chose to work with me for my first session. My second session, Daisy, who – being a shy horse – had never worked with anyone before, made it very clear that she wanted to work with me. Okay! One of the gifts of the session with Daisy is that she helped me come deeper into my womanly power. A few weeks later, my friend Joan called to share with me that Daisy had injured herself and invited me to go to the barn and do some healing work on her. In the process of supporting Daisy, I asked her “why did this happen?”. Daisy replied, “It was the only way I knew how to get you to come here again.” It was in that moment that our hearts connected. She also told me that she wanted me to ride her because,”when you ride me, you will remember”.
A short time after that, I had my first riding session with Daisy. Something amazing happened!
It was while on her back that I had a flash of another life with her. We were both male and we were powerful warriors. I could not hold back my tears of joy that we found each other again in this life.
Our relationship has reminded me of a part of myself I had not yet known in this life, and I have been changed forever by that experience and this relationship in my life.
And now...
Since meeting and bonding with Daisy in the physical world in 2018, she has presented herself organically, during my personal meditations, to be my guide as I continue to elevate my spirit through the birth of Peace Rose Healing.
I had been given the divine invitation to allow Daisy to join me on our healing adventures; it felt so natural, and that a piece of me had been filled. Daisy has allowed me to dive deeper into the angelic realm with a graceful ride into deeper spiritual healing, and thus the ability to team up with her and continue to help others in a whole new way.
Daisy currently resides at Laurel Nobilis Arabians, LLC in Penns Park near Wrightstown, PA., and I love to visit her in-person as well. Here are two recent photos of us taken by Taylorography that really shows her true beauty! Daisy and I cannot wait to help you reach deeper peace within yourself to heal and rediscover your purpose!

Busy schedule? You can also receive Peace Rose Healing remotely (long-distance)
There are two ways of receiving a long-distance Peace Rose Healing session:
- schedule a time when you can relax in your own space while you receive the session, or,
- you can receive the session while you sleep at night.
Allowing yourself the benefit of healing does not need to keep you from doing life. Rather, Long-Distance healing supports you in making the shifts that matter most so you can do life even better!
Long-Distance sessions can connect you more directly to your spiritual guides and offer valuable information and insights. I have a 15-30 minute wrap session with you explaining what I worked on and what I saw.
A client shares:
“I felt intense energy waves passing thru my body as I laid perfectly still in a relaxed and peaceful state on the healing table. This was during part of one of my Inner Child Reconnection Program sessions with Wendi and Sam. I had been feeling strong emotions and resistance to moving forward. As the energy waves moved through me, my resistance melted away and I effortlessly was able to move forward in the session to an immediate and deep connection with a part of my self that had been separate for years! It was joyful and amazing to feel that shift happen! After the session, I learned that the exact moment I felt the shift in my energy was the same moment that Wendi had begun the Peace Rose Healing during my session. Wow!!”
Rachel F.
How to get started receiving a long-distance healing.
Many of our healing sessions and workshops can be done remotely via the phone or online. Using a proxy (a physical stand-in for the recipient), you can receive the full benefits of an energy healing session. The procedure is simple.
- Contact us to schedule a long-distance healing session,
- We will set up a day and time that we will perform the session.
- It is important that you set an intention at the onset of any healing session. This will focus the energy work being done. For example, if you are struggling with a decision in life or are facing challenges stemming from an experience you are feeling affected by, setting an intention around the specific issue will focus the energy of the session in direct support of that situation.
- Often during sessions, we receive impressions and messages which can help you gain insight into your ‘intention’ for the session. We take the time to speak with you about these impressions. We will contact you after the session to follow up.
We have performed many of these remote sessions and each time have received remarkable feedback from our clients during our follow up conversations. We invite you to consider that physical space and time are not limiting factors to our ability to support you!
A client shares:
“Wendi is a loving spirit who provides healings that help clear stress and worry. She provides wonderful remote healings that have helped everyone in our house clear negative feelings and provide for some restful sleep. She is caring and compassionate about the people that she is helping.”
~Ellen B. in Fort Washington